[ale] Upgrading KDE

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Sep 8 10:58:30 EDT 2005

Christopher Fowler wrote:
> I've tried upgrades but only once.  Here is what I do.
> # cd /
> # mkdir SuSE-9_2
> # mv bin/ root/ dev/ ... SuSE-9_2
> You'll need to use a recovery CD to make this happen.  But do that and
> then when you install new tell the installer _not_ to format the FS.  I
> have a ShuttleX and wanted to swap drives to install FC3.  After I gave
> up due to the difficulty of getting the drive out I resorted to this
> method and will never go back.  This allows me to keep my old install on
> the same disk so I can back it up at my leisure.

Sorry, this sounds way too painful. :)  Backup /etc and /home and any 
other non-standard filesystems.  Do your upgrade to 9.3.  All should 
just work.  As I've noted, I've upgraded a number of 9.2 machines to 
9.3.  If you do an upgrade, it won't mess with your existing filesystems 
anyway.  I think Chris is suggesting you do a new install, which really 
just isn't necessary.  SuSE  upgrades have been working pretty well 
since about 8.2.

Until later, Geoffrey

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