[ale] tomcat woes

Barry Hawkins barry at bytemason.org
Tue May 24 21:08:25 EDT 2005

On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 08:38:07PM -0400, Geoffrey spake thus:
> James P. Kinney III wrote:
> >I am using firefox. I have a tools->web developer -> {loads of stuff} I thought the java 
> >console was for tinkering with java applets that were
> >downloaded. This is a java servlet that is _supposed_ to kick out a
> >database backed web page.
> It's been a while, but I know we used it extensively with servlet
> applications.  Thing is, it's not finding the class, so I'd suspect it's
> still path related.
Yeah, James is right.  The Java console only deals with applets running 
via the Java Plug-in.  A Servlet can employ Applets, but they are sent 
down like other files in an HTTP request.  The classloader issues here 
all happen within the JVM instance running on the Tomcat server.  As 
you can imagine, debug-level insight into the server's JVM instance 
would be a scary thing.  You have to move to .Net for that kind of 
access. 8^) <duck_to_avoid_missiles_from_Mono_fans/>

James, can you tell us a bit more about the application you are trying 
to deploy?  I am wondering about the following things thus far:

1.) Is the OpenHouse Servlet part of the codebase of the web application 
being deployed?  If so, is the compiled application being compiled and 
packaged appropriately, so that all .class files end up appropriately 
placed in the /WEB-INF/classes folder, dwelling in the appropriate 
subfolder structure?  For instance, if OpenHouse were in package 
com.corp.realestatetracker, it would need to be in the following 
directory hierarchy:

2.) If the OpenHouse Servlet is not part of the codebase of the web 
application being deployed, where is it being stored, and what does 
the classpath entry for it look like, and where is it located 
relative to the web app's folder?

Kind of shooting in the dark, sorry if the questions seem overly 

Barry Hawkins
All Things Computed
site: www.alltc.com
weblog: www.yepthatsme.com

Registered Linux User #368650

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