[ale] Sunday 05-22-05 6PM RUN-AS-ROOT CHALLENGE

Pete Hardie pete.hardie at gmail.com
Wed May 18 22:09:42 EDT 2005

> . During this time anyone on the ALE list can hack at my DAILY USE box
> . At 1830 (6:30PM) I will restore the entire computer within 10 minutes.
> . Finally, I will post the procedure for restoring the system as proof.

It appears to me that you are talking at cross purposes to everyone else.

While I'll wager that a 10-minute restore is remarkable, it's what
happens between an *undected* hack and the next restoration - how much
personal activity will you do during those 30 minutes?  You mention
removing all personal data - but that's the point - if it's on the
system, and you get cracked, then that data is exposed.

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