[ale] Linux Distributions

ChangingLINKS.com groups at ChangingLINKS.com
Wed May 18 12:21:30 EDT 2005

>  It really is not hard to
> su, perform the operation, then exit.
> Jason

It IS if you are doing a lot of commands that require it. 
Thinking back, when Steven D. helped me with my box, he would go to root and 
sit there through the entire session. The same thing would happen at 
installfests (not just for full installs). I hear your "but" and it's moot.

The point is that when people want to admin, they go to the admin account.
Moreover, if one does a lot of this type of work, it's better simply to stay 
there rather than type su - dozens of times a day.
Wishing you Happiness, Joy, and Laughter,
Drew Brown

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