[ale] Linux Distributions

ChangingLINKS.com groups at ChangingLINKS.com
Wed May 18 05:30:27 EDT 2005

> It's a matter of the design of the system.
> - Michael B. Trausch 


> I need not tell you what assuming does.

Yet you assume that it is not safe to run as root on Linux systems. 
That is because you assume the design of all Linux systems.
I *need to* tell you what assuming does.

> Users who attack things nowadays, are looking for zombie machines.
> They 
> don't want the data on the machines for the most part; they typically go
> after corporate networks if that's what they want. 
> - Michael B. Trausch 

Haunted by this statement, your future will be. - Yoda
Wishing you Happiness, Joy, and Laughter,
Drew Brown

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