[ale] Netstat Question

Ian Philpot ian.philpot at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 14:07:07 EDT 2005

Dow Hurst wrote:
> Issue at the prompt:
> fuser 717/tcp
> match the process PID you get from fuser with your output from ps:
> ps aux | grep "PID"
> You should get a match that will help you identify what process has the 
> port.  Repeat for the other port.
> Dow

Another option that I've learned about recently is to use the -p flag 
with netstat. That'll also list the pid of the program that owns the 
port. I don't know how long that option has been around, but I've 
usually had to use other programs like lsof to do the job.

Hope this helps.

Jason Fritcher
jkf at wolfnet.org

Sorry for the delay, but thank you for your response. I will try both later 
this eve.

/ip | http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1739.html
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