[ale] wget oddity grabbing pages with URL parameters

George Carless kafka at antichri.st
Tue Jan 25 09:50:52 EST 2005

Hi all,

I'm having a little strange behaviour with wget... I'm trying to grab some pages from our 
CMS-based intranet site, using the following:

wget -nH -r --level=1 -I valuemap --directory-prefix=/home/httpd/oursite/ http://oursite.com/valuemap/index.html

The problem is, it's grabbing all of the pages, BUT when it does so it seems not to be grabbing any 
pages properly when they're in the format index.html?_function=detail&_op=1234 (which is what my 
CMS uses in this case).  The pages ARE downloaded--I wind up with a bunch of files with the 
appropriate file names, but each one has the content of the MAIN index.html as it would return if 
no url parameters were passed.  (i.e. my app returns different content depending on the value of 
$_GET["_function"], in PHP terminology).

BUT if I wget the pages manually - e.g. "wget 
http://oursite.com/valuemap/index.html?_function=detail\&_op=1234" - the page is returned 

Any of you smart folks have any idea what might be happening here?


George Carless ... kafka at antichri.st
Words are just dust in deserts of sound

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