[ale] My Next Computer

Pete Hardie pete.hardie at gmail.com
Mon Jan 17 09:39:48 EST 2005

On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 07:47:13 -0500, Geoffrey <esoteric at 3times25.net> wrote:

> I don't know that you would want to go that route for your drives as well.

Well, that's also partly driven by my wish to have easy-to-move drives
for my system and the wife's.

As an aside, if I want a disk drive for general storage of MP3s and
pictures, accessible from linux and M$, what's a good filesystem to
use?  NTFS?  FAT?  Or are there ext{2|3} format readers for Windows?

> > So is this just a pipedream, or is an all-USB system possible ?
> I think the most difficult problem you'll have is getting it to boot off
> of a usb device.

Good point.  I thought I had seen something inidcating that "modern"
BIOSes could do this - in reference to a USB flash drive boot tool.

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