[ale] OT - Linux Based Web Hosting Services

Mark Angeli mcangeli at bellsouth.net
Fri Jan 7 08:27:15 EST 2005

http://datacities.com <-- I host tinyminds.org and linuxfoo.org among 
some other sites there....

http://national-net.com <-- Mostly Managed hosting, so they tend to be a 
little more pricey.


Vaidhyanathan Mayilrangam Gopalan wrote:

>I have been using phpwebhosting.com for close to two years now with no
>While they claim that bandwidth and storage are unlimited, they allocate
>you 500 MB at first and you need to ask for more.
>Similarly, you ask for SSH and they open it up for you.. Talk to them
>and see if it suits you..
>Price is $9.95/mo
>On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 00:16 -0500, Bob Kruger wrote:
>>This is a bit OT, but looking for a new web hosting service.
>>First, some background.  Client has Linuxbased software that 
>>occasionally needs intervention with SSH to maintain and to harvest 
>>data.  Went to Canaca.com, and found that they offered SSH access.  He 
>>orders the following plan:
>>Storage - 30GB
>>Bandwidth - 600GB
>>Price $16.95/month if paid for two years.
>>Orders the service.  Goes to use ssh, finds no ssh access.  Emails 
>>Canaca asking why, and gets back an answer that defies all logic:
>>>All SSH connections on our network are controlled by an access control list;
>>>we do not under any circumstances grant access on a wildcard basis; if you
>>>require SSH access it an nonnegotiable requirement that you provide the
>>>public ip address from where you would be connecting; you have the option of
>>>notifying us in future if there are any changes in the access IP/s ( with
>>>confirmation by the last 4 digits of your credit card number )
>>Now, here we live in the age of being able to connect from many various 
>>locations (requirement) and DHCP servers, and these folks are asking for 
>>what IP address you will be accessing from.
>>I try not to be too judgemental, but this has to be one of the most 
>>ridiculous positions made by a web service provider that I have seen in 
>>a long time.
>>OK, now the question.  Anyone know of a web hosting company offering 
>>similar capabilities at a similar price, and will allow SSH access from 
>>Ale mailing list
>>Ale at ale.org

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