[ale] OT - Linux Based Web Hosting Services

Vaidhyanathan Mayilrangam Gopalan vaidhy at loonys.net
Fri Jan 7 08:04:44 EST 2005

I have been using phpwebhosting.com for close to two years now with no
While they claim that bandwidth and storage are unlimited, they allocate
you 500 MB at first and you need to ask for more.

Similarly, you ask for SSH and they open it up for you.. Talk to them
and see if it suits you..

Price is $9.95/mo


On Fri, 2005-01-07 at 00:16 -0500, Bob Kruger wrote:
> Folks;
> This is a bit OT, but looking for a new web hosting service.
> First, some background.  Client has Linuxbased software that 
> occasionally needs intervention with SSH to maintain and to harvest 
> data.  Went to Canaca.com, and found that they offered SSH access.  He 
> orders the following plan:
> Storage - 30GB
> Bandwidth - 600GB
> php
> cgi-bin
> perl
> MySQL/Apache/etc...
> Price $16.95/month if paid for two years.
> Orders the service.  Goes to use ssh, finds no ssh access.  Emails 
> Canaca asking why, and gets back an answer that defies all logic:
> >All SSH connections on our network are controlled by an access control list;
> >we do not under any circumstances grant access on a wildcard basis; if you
> >require SSH access it an nonnegotiable requirement that you provide the
> >public ip address from where you would be connecting; you have the option of
> >notifying us in future if there are any changes in the access IP/s ( with
> >confirmation by the last 4 digits of your credit card number )
> >
> Now, here we live in the age of being able to connect from many various 
> locations (requirement) and DHCP servers, and these folks are asking for 
> what IP address you will be accessing from.
> I try not to be too judgemental, but this has to be one of the most 
> ridiculous positions made by a web service provider that I have seen in 
> a long time.
> OK, now the question.  Anyone know of a web hosting company offering 
> similar capabilities at a similar price, and will allow SSH access from 
> anywhere?
> V/r
> Bob
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Vaidhyanathan Mayilrangam Gopalan <vaidhy at loonys.net>

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