[ale] MSH

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Wed Jan 5 00:19:58 EST 2005

Christopher Fowler <cfowler at outpostsentinel.com> said:

> I like Objects just like the next fellow but Objects = Bloat.  Bloat
> equals loss of memory and slowness.

Sorry Chris....I have to say that's a pretty naive statement.  While poorly
implemented objects might equal bloat, well implemented objects add minimal
overhead and infinitely powerful features.  I'd trade a small amount of
overhead for a leap in productivity any day.

That kind of reasoning only increases the likelihood that the Windows
mega-empire will persist and other alternatives (*nix, etc) will be left to
attract only those that follow the old way of doing things.  Don't get me
wrong...the old way of doing things is a proven approach, but that's no excuse
to constantly focus our  gaze towards the past. IMHO, MSH _could be_ a
significant step in the evolution of command line processing.


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