[ale] Qemu experiences (or.....wow!)

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Sun Feb 27 22:22:29 EST 2005


Finally have a moment to catch my breath and provide further information
on my experience with qemu (http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/).

The subject line really says it all...wow!  After compiling the cvs
version and installing the accelerator module, things have worked
brilliantly.  So far, I've installed Windows XP and FreeBSD.  Both
installs went more or less flawlessly...very nice.

Performance is very good with the accelerator module...very, very usable. 
It's just a tad slower than Win4Lin 5, although likely this is due to
WinXP vs. Win98 more than anything else.  It's definitely on par with

I'd recommend you give it a shot if you're interested in having a free
alternative to VMWare.

As a side note, the new Win4Lin Pro product that adds Windows XP support
is actually built on top of Qemu.

Have fun. Let me know if you have any questions.


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