[ale] Keeping pppoe alive

Michael Trausch fd0man at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 15:56:14 EST 2005

Hash: RIPEMD160

Jim Seymour wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have seen this issue in here before but could not locate it. I am
> using Speedfactory for my dsl service. Every now and then I will lose my
> connection. Since this machine is the internet router for other boxes I
> am looking for a way to restart the connection when it dies without
> intervention from me or anyone else. From what I can tell when this
> happens the pppd daemon remains alive. Usually I will have to take ppp0
> and the ethernet adapter down and bring them back up manually. Sometimes
> I even have to resort to a reboot :-( This is a Debian Sarge box using
> Roaring Penguin for the pppoe connection. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Jim Seymour

Perhaps a script that runs 'ping'... three tries on three different
(external) hosts, and if none of them are reachable, have the script
perform the reset on eth0 and pppd.

For sure, ping the gateway host for your connection.

	- Mike

- --
Michael B. Trausch                               <fd0man at gmail.com>
Blog/Website: http://fd0man.chadeux.net/            AIM: MB Trausch
+1-(678)-522-7934                                  Yahoo IM: fd0man
Need computer or Linux work in Atlanta?      http://www.mbtcis.com/
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Job leads, anyone?   Resume: http://fd0man.chadeux.net/?page=resume

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