[ale] Vonage alternatives...

Ben Scherrey scherrey at proteus-tech.com
Fri Feb 11 14:00:52 EST 2005

I've used it and its not bad but I need dial-in service as well. Skype 
doesn't yet offer that. Vonage is back up. Finally found out that they 
had some issue with outbound calls. Never got a description of why. 
Otherwise I've been pleased with their service and its been pretty 
reliable. Only trouble is I have NEVER talked to a human and their 
support just sucks when you need to contact someone. I was wanting to 
expand my service with them to three or four lines but no one returned 
my email! That just can't last long... so I'm still looking.

    -- Ben Scherrey

Jim Popovitch wrote:

>I tried them for a week and gave up on it.  Skype works good, but I
>haven't tried their SkypOut POTS service yet.  I've "heard" that it is
>better than Vonage, but that may or may not be valid.
>-Jim P.

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