[ale] OS Windows text editor for Unix files

Dow Hurst Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Thu Sep 23 19:17:07 EDT 2004

Piping the unix output thru the unix2dos command would change the end of 
line delimiters to DOS format.  You would be able to easily use Notepad 
or Wordpad then without the endless line problem.

John Wells wrote:

>We have some reports that come out of a legacy unix system.  They're
>pretty standard unix reports: space-separated, 132 columns, ^L-page fed,
>\n-line fed files.
>I'm looking for a free (as in speech, hopefully) text editor that can
>properly read and print these files on the windows side.  JEdit is the
>only free one that's done a good job recognizing the line feeds and EOLs,
>but the printing is horrible.
>Anyone know of one I should take a look at?  I've looked at a few others
>(notepad++, notepad2, jext), but none fit the bill.  It's a VERY simple
>task we're using it for, simply printing and viewing, so no super duper
>features needed.
>Thanks guys!
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>Ale at ale.org

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