Fwd: [ale] Miguel de Icaza and Mono?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun Sep 5 19:20:03 EDT 2004

Bob Evans wrote:

> <tyrade>
> Actually after Miguel finished Ximian Gnome & Evolution, he said that
> Mono was a logical next step.

I'm not sure I see that.  Gnome is a desktop environment that has no 
ties to M$ technologies at all.  The same goes for Evolution (no ties to 
M$ technologies).  If Miguel wanted to build a development environment, 
he could do so with out having it tied to .NET.

> If you are implying that he's in it for the money; yes, he is. As am I.

As am I.

> Most PC's run Microsoft OS.

Your point?

> .NET is here to stay.

Your opinion.  Like Microsoft Bob?

> Why WOULDN'T one of the sharpest open source developers want to cash in on MS?

I don't knock anyone making money off of M$ based systems.  I become 
concerned with it when it appears someone is going to sell out to M$. 
Mono depends on .NET.  So the open source world begins to use Mono, then 
M$ changes .NET.  What happens?

> I have been at it since '78, and I still make a lot more off the MS
> world than the open source one.

The fact that you've been at it that long would reinforce the fact that 
you have made more $$$ from M$ then open source.  I'm not sure I see 
that as relevant.

> Someday that may change, meanwhile I put 5 kids thru college &  manage
> to pay all my bills...

Great!  I'm not knocking that.

Until later, Geoffrey       Registered Linux User #108567
                             AT&T Certified UNIX System Programmer - 1995

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