[ale] ot:hitler's draft

Jonathan Rickman jdr at xcorps.net
Tue Oct 5 21:22:46 EDT 2004

> I find that insulting.  I put in 26 years with AT&T.  When 
> you work for a large company like that, it's like working for 
> multiple companies.  I did C, perl, java, web development, 
> sys admin...  Further, I started out driving a fork lift.  
> Got my degree on their nickel going part time while working 
> full time.  Yeah, I know, that's the stupid way to do it. 
>   Advanced from the fork truck driver to the 2nd highest 
> technical position in the corporation.

I truly wish we could go back to the days when you _could_ work at one place
your whole life. That said, I also truly wish we could go back to the days
when ALE was a place for discussing Linux with an occasional divergence into
other topics suitably nerdy. I think the poster in question should be kicked
from the list.  Not because I share a different view (in the interest of
full disclosure, I am a rather reluctant Bush supporter but a supporter
nonetheless), but because there are other places online to post this
nonsense. After all, he has his own LUG to harass with this BS. It's bad
enough having to listen to this crap on the radio and TV, not to mention the
constant bickering on /. and other online venues. 

Jonathan "can't we just have a distro war" Rickman

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