[ale] OT: Cable modem or naked DSL in Kennesaw

Nathan J. Underwood ale1 at cybertechcafe.net
Tue Nov 30 14:31:16 EST 2004

Just curious, but [if they block ssh] why not just change the port that 
ssh is listening on?  I did it to my box at home to stop getting the 
100-200 entries in my logfiles for scripts trying to log in as root || 
adm || horde || etc.
registered linux user # 73046

Nathan J. Underwood
Cyber Tech Cafe' <><

Fletch wrote:
>>>>>>"miguel" == miguel  <migquintero at comcast.net> writes:
> [...]
>     miguel> cant get comcast? so far its working great for me. 4mbs
>     miguel> down 384kb up
> Do they block inbound SSH?  I'm in a similar boat (can only get IDSL
> from speakeasy, whom I'm happy with but 144k is getting old . . .) and
> one of my main concerns is being able to get back in to stuff at home
> from the outside world.

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