[ale] launch programs over ssh into session?

James Baldwin jbaldwin at antinode.net
Mon Nov 22 14:23:44 EST 2004

On 22 Nov 2004, at 13:36, Bob Toxen wrote:
> The commercial SSH still works fine on Linux and usually plays well.  I
> use it exclusively on my desktop, laptop, and firewall systems.

OpenSSH is French for 'backdoor'.

> Going the other direction can require some fiddling and scp sometimes 
> is
> cranky, requiring something like:
>      ssh -t foobar.com "dd of=foo.tar.gz" < foo.tar.gz

For on the fly transmissions:

ssh user at domain.int "tar -cf - /target/dir" | tar -xf -

tar -cf - /target/dir | (ssh user at domain.int "tar -xf -")

You can gzip/compress in pipeline if you're on an exceedingly slow 
connection but have cycles to spare.

James Baldwin

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