[ale] TiVo Will No Longer Skip Past Advertisers

Christopher R. Curzio ale at accipiter.org
Wed Nov 17 20:27:32 EST 2004

It's a TREMENDOUS outrage. To think, that journalist used the term
"download" when she meant "upload." (Or when you used "there" when you
meant "their.")

Back to a dose of reality, however. This isn't a shock. TiVo has tracked
viewing habits for the longest time, and is nothing new. The "billboards"
don't appear to be that big a deal either, since you'll still be
fast-forwarding through the commercials. It's not going any slower. You'll
just see an overlay while you're zipping through. Not interested? Ignore

This isn't an outrage by any stretch of the imagination. Save getting
pissed off for when it starts advertising during your show, or when the
fast-forward feature is completely disabled. 

Christopher R. Curzio     |  Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax
http://www.accipiter.org  |  si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Thus Spake - <mcejr at earthlink.net>:
Wed, 17 Nov 2004 19:12:06 -0500

> TiVo Will No Longer Skip Past Advertisers
> The tool that lets viewers control the TV will soon sport 'billboards'
> and track viewing habits.
> This is an outrage! We need to flood calls to there customer service! 
> Full store here,
> http://www.latimes.com/business/la-et-tivo17nov17,0,3236496.story?coll=la-home-headlines

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