[ale] Its over. Maybe

Tejus Parikh tejus at vijedi.net
Fri Nov 5 20:04:42 EST 2004

> Why do you need a receipt, to put in your own wallet, of who you voted
> for?  
> The ATM receipt is tailored for the customer's use NOT the banks. 

Isn't that the point?  The whole point is that if a corrupt bank manager
fiddles with your account, you have recourse.  The string of receipts
provides the back-up mechanism that puts a check on such activity. The
whole idea behind our system of government is "checks and balances."
Why shouldn't the process by which we put that government into place be
the same?

> Oh the irony of the
> techno-geeks calling for old-school mechanisms to validate modern
> technology.

Because modern technology sucks.  It's awful.  Can you think of any
revolutionary technology that was as robust and error-free as it's
predecessor?  I really can't think of one.  Normally that doesn't
matter, as it's okay to have a little margin of error here and there.
Most of the time, nobody will notice, or care.  Elections aren't one of
those times.

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