[ale] OT - ODBC Query/Browser Tools

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Fri Nov 5 12:30:14 EST 2004

Robert Coggins said:
> Hey all,
> I am trying to find an ODBC Query/Browser tool that is open sourced.  It
> would be preferable that it has a port for both linux and windows as I
> have to use windows at work... :(  Everything I find costs too much or
> doesn't have the functionality I need.  I would like to easily save
> queries and easily copy the resultsets to paste them elsewhere.  Anyone
> have suggestions.  I saw the EMS one...  Looks great but too much money.


Open Office has a nice query tool built in that works with jdbc, odbc,
dbase, etc, on both Windows and Linux.  Search the help files.


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