[ale] Sharp Zaurus hardware compatibility

Dow Hurst Dow.Hurst at mindspring.com
Thu Nov 4 20:03:44 EST 2004

The hardware reliability is just okay for the SL5500, SL5000, SL5600, 
C750, C760, and C860.  The keyboard and screen can die if abused.  It is 
much better on the SL6000L as it was designed for corporate use and has 
a builtin "drop on the floor by accident" tolerance.  I'd base my 
project around the OE (openembedded) project since it has support for 
all models of  Zaurii shipped to the US.  Also, if your code is portable 
OE can allow it to run on more than the Zaurii.  Go to 
www.openembedded.org to check out the project.  I've noticed that 2.6 is 
booting on the "Corgi" Zaurus now.  There are two kernel developers 
working on getting the 2.6 kernel to run on the Zaurii.  They need help 
if anyone with hardware/kernel expertise is interested.
Oh yeah, a good case levels the field on reliability!  I got a form fit 
case for my C860 from Japan via mail order and it is a beautiful piece 
of work.  Has a metal plate padded for protecting the PDA but is made of 
black leather with red stitching.

The SL6000L is not a bad deal on Amazon and you don't need a wifi card.  
I'd recommend a bluetooth serial port adapter for pairing with a 
bluetooth cellphone.  That is a low power connection for remote access 
thru a GPRS enabled cell plan.  Your Zaurus will use 20mW instead of 
150mW for the connection.

Frank Glass wrote:

>We have a couple of Zaurus 5500's and are looking at a project with the newer
>models.  Since I last looked (more than a year ago) the zaurus information
>seems to be scattered.
>Is thare a definitive site showing hardware and software compatibility?
>In particular, we are going to need gprs, bluetooth and dial-up devices.
>Other types of cellular data (whatever Sprint and Verizon call their service)
>may also be required.  I would probably prefer OZ to the Sharp ROM if
>only because there seems to be better ability to control what's on the device.
>Anyone have any feel for the hardware reliability? 

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