[ale] Its over. Maybe

aaron aaron at pd.org
Thu Nov 4 00:28:33 EST 2004

On Thursday 04 November 2004 00:28, Jim Popovitch wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 19:03 -0500, Geoffrey wrote:
> > Your concern should be with what you can't see..  Closed source, no 
> > paper trail...
> My car's computer is closed source, sure I could spend $$ and time
> decompiling it but I've got a life to live also.  I do see the merits of
> OSS, I'm just not anal enough to demand that everyone believe in what I
> believe in. :)
> -Jim P.

A fraudulent and irrelevant comparison, since your car's computer
isn't a public system.

The real and serious concern of electronic voting is found in a quote
from one of the more notorious fans of fraudulent elections, Joseph Stalin:

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."

In no uncertain terms, the corporape privatization of our electoral systems 
through the use of paperless Diebold type DRE machines has ripped the 
counting of our votes  from the hands of the public.

The lack of a paper audit trail or other physical, voter verified transaction 
evidence means that there are no legitimate means by which the public can 
view, audit or recount the corporate controlled vote tabulations. The closed 
source, exclusionary, proprietary and interdependent systems, along with the 
secretive contracting and testing policies of the carpetbagger DRE 
manufacturers, effectively blockade all free market competition and public 
access which might otherwise prevent the taxpayers from being corporaped by 
the voting system suppliers and the politicians who, in complete conflict of 
interest, promote them.

The privatized collection and counting of our votes through proprietary 
systems and software abdicates our democracy to the self serving interests  
of the election system manufacturers. Stalin would love these paperless DRE 
machines and the secretive policies of the companies that make them. Thus you 
can now expect the Federal Election Assistance Commission to move forward 
with approvals of  paperless DRE systems as the national standard within the 
next two years, since their entire 15 member appointed board consists of the 
same DRE company insiders, self serving election officials and sycophantic 
voting system consultants that have been foisting paperless DRE systems on 
the public under the NASED banner for nearly a decade.

Welcome to the recently extended American decade of fraud.

(because the only secure future is a future of peace)

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