[ale] Its over. Maybe

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Nov 3 19:40:29 EST 2004

Jim Popovitch wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 19:03 -0500, Geoffrey wrote:
>>Your concern should be with what you can't see..  Closed source, no 
>>paper trail...
> My car's computer is closed source, sure I could spend $$ and time
> decompiling it but I've got a life to live also.  I do see the merits of
> OSS, I'm just not anal enough to demand that everyone believe in what I
> believe in. :)

I'd still like to be able to verify that my vote was counted properly. 
You can not do this without a paper trail and review of the source code 
by an external non-partisan entity.  So closed source isn't that bad, as 
long as there's more than one entity who knows how it works.

Until later, Geoffrey

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