[ale] filtering all attachments?

Sean Kilpatrick drifter at oppositelock.org
Tue Nov 2 11:29:49 EST 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 02 November 2004 10:43 am, Ale wrote:
| <html><body>
| :)
| <br>
| </body></html>
| Joke.exe

Full header is reproduced below, and I can't figure
out from whence this little nasty has come. I am
reasonably confident it did not come from either Speakeasy,
[], Deltacom [], Mike Ferris
(room17.com), or Scotsdale, Arizona.

All of which brings me to my question:  Is it possible
to set up the ALE list to strip _all_ attachments sent
to it?  I subscribe to other mailing lists that do so
and it certainly does reduce the risk that comes with
an inadvertent "click" or a moment's inattention.

I am not skilled enough to even _attempt_ to analyze the
structure of "joke.exe" so I just deleted the mess.


- ------------------------ <begin header data> ----------------------------

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- ----------tlkovnqyiyxcscjubuws
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- ------------------ <end header data> -----------------------------
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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