[ale] sed & regex

Pete Hardie pete.hardie at sciatl.com
Tue Mar 30 09:51:06 EST 2004

Keith Hopkins wrote:
> Hi folks,
>   I hope someone can point me to the error of my ways....too difficult?  Ok, how about a hand at a regex problem?
>   I have some xml files I'm trying to convert for local browsing.  "wget -m -k" almost does the trick, but the remaining files have this snippet left in them...
> "handbook.xml?part" as part of an href.  The actual files have "?" in their names.  If I convert the href from "?" to "%3F" then my browser is all happy and finds the files (otherwise, it prints nasty errors).
>   The question is, how to replace all the "?" with "%3F".  I tried `sed` since that seemed to be the natural solution, but it isn't working like I expected.
>   I do this...
> sed "s/handbook.xml\?/handbook.xml\%3F/" handbook.xml > handbook.html
>   and sed really converts the string to "handbook.xml??"
>   Where is the extra "?" coming from??
>   Alternately, I tried
> sed "s/handbook.xml\?part/handbook.xml\%3Fpart/" handbook.xml > handbook.html
>   and that seems to work OK (for those lines that actually have "part" in them).

I tried
sed -e 's/\?/\%3F/' xxx > xxx.out, where xxx contained handbook.xml?part,
and got xxx.out containing handbook.xml%3Fpart.  Perhaps you are using " instead 
of ' around the sed parrtern and a shell expansion is biting you?

Pete Hardie                   |   Goalie, DVSG Dart Team
     posting from, but not     |
     speaking for:             |
Scientific Atlanta, Digital Video Services Group

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