[ale] autofs fall back?

Chris Coleman ChrisColeman at mail.clayton.edu
Sat Mar 27 09:58:29 EST 2004

We used this feature with the autofs under Solaris. Under Solaris you use the map files (auto_home, auto_master, etc.) to map a single path to multiple servers. For example:
/usr/man   -ro   apollo:/usr/man zeus:/usr/man neptune:/usr/man
This first attempts to mount the man page directory from the server apollo. If it does not work, then try zeus, and lastly neptune.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Robert L. Harris [mailto:Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net] 
	Sent: Fri 3/26/2004 4:11 PM 
	To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts 
	Subject: [ale] autofs fall back?

	Unless my memory is completely gone, a LONG time ago I worked on a system
	that had a form of fall back for autofs.  It was configured for homedirs
	so that if you cd ~home it would try to mount server1:/home/foo, if that
	was down or unavailable, go to server2:/home/foo and if that failed it
	would link: file:/usr/home/generic.
	Anyone have anything setup similar or know how to work it?  "multi-map"
	isn't the same thing.
	Robert L. Harris                     | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
	                                         @ x-hkp://pgp.mit.edu
	      These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
	With Dreams To Be A King First One Should Be A Man
	                                        - Manowar

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