[ale] KVM switches

Grady Harris gharri2 at emory.edu
Fri Mar 26 11:56:44 EST 2004

Here it is:

When this round is done, why don't you update the twiki page with the responses
you've gotten?

Grady Harris

> Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 10:36:29 -0500
> From: "Trey Sizemore" <trey at fastmail.fm>
> Subject: [ale] KVM switches
> I know there was some discussion on this a while back, but I can't for
> the life of me find them or remember which month(s) they occured in the
> archives.  I've got 3 machines (p200, p2 400, and a p4 2.8GHz) that I
> would like to share keyboard, mouse, video (hence the KVM switch ;-))
> I've not used one of these before, so I just wanted to know what to look
> for and what to look out for.  My current keyboard is PS/2, mouse is USB.
>  My P4 has both ports as does the P2.  The older Pentium 200 is socked
> away, so I can't remember if it has USB or not.  Should I get a KVM
> switch with PS/2 then, just to be safe?  I have the USB to PS/2 adapter
> that came with the mouse.
> Also, is the switching done by hardware or software (and if software, are
> Linux systems supported well?)?
> Thanks for the feedback.
> -- 
>   Trey Sizemore
>   trey at fastmail.fm

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