[ale] Nvidia Geforce 2 on Dell Inspirion 8100

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Thu Mar 25 17:24:24 EST 2004

What did the card achieve with the older drivers?  It is probably a XF86Config 
syntax problem.  You want to post your file?

John Allgood wrote:
> Hello Ale
>     I have been working all day trying to get the NVIDIA drivers to work 
> correctly on Fedora Core I. I have downloaded from the NVIDIA site and 
> installed the drivers not a single problem. I then configured my 
> XF86Config file to use the nvidia module. The problem is that I can't 
> get any color depth or resolution greater than 1280x1024. I have tried 
> to install older versions of the driver same result. This driver worked 
> great under Redhat 7.3. I even tried to go back and install the drivers 
> before NVIDIA came out with the unified driver. I may drop back to 
> Redhat 9.0 and see if I get the same results. Anyone got any ideas.
> Thanks
> John Allgood - ESC
> Systems Administrator
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