[ale] Low-end tapedrives for SOHO environment

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Fri Mar 19 17:14:14 EST 2004

Dow Hurst wrote:
> I disagree in that if you catch the config data from /etc/ and any
> other spot that contains data that differs from the default install
> you will be able to rebuild quickly.  I am thoroughly tired of
> rebuilding from scratch complex server setups.  It is a lot of work
> to rebuild all the config data on a complex server. Dow

But /etc/ is part of the stuff you backup.  I do this all the time.  My 
latest upgrade from SuSE 8.2 to SuSE 9.0, I backed up /home, /etc/ and a 
couple other esoteric goodies.  Did a new install, literally tar'd /etc/ 
and /home back into place and I'm cooking.

Say you have a full backup, the machine crashes, you replace the drive. 
  How do you easily get the bootable system back from the full backup?

Until later, Geoffrey                     Registered Linux User #108567
Building secure systems in spite of Microsoft

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