[ale] Low-end tapedrives for SOHO environment

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Fri Mar 19 17:03:34 EST 2004

I disagree in that if you catch the config data from /etc/ and any other spot 
that contains data that differs from the default install you will be able to 
rebuild quickly.  I am thoroughly tired of rebuilding from scratch complex 
server setups.  It is a lot of work to rebuild all the config data on a 
complex server.

griffisb at bellsouth.net wrote:
>>I'd really like to hear a valid reason for a FULL backup.  It's just not 
>>necessary.  Backup your critical data, and as someone else noted, a 
>>cdrom, or even better dvd should be plenty for such purposes.
> You're probably right. For home use, burning /home to CD for my SuSE and RH boxes, and My Documents for Win boxes should work fine. For the church I would need to backup the records database, payroll database, and any written info (if kept in My Documents - that should cover it).
> Full backups sound like a good thing as far as recovering from the inevitable power surges and occasional fried disks is concerned. But with a good hardware/software inventory and assuming original CD's are stored safely - PCs could be rebuilt and apps. reloaded.
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