[ale] OT: tech support hell at Mindspring

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Wed Mar 17 10:35:08 EST 2004

Dow Hurst wrote:

> PS.  My solution is to have a ssh connection to KSU inside screen
> that is pinging from one KSU machine to another.  The text output
> every ten or twenty seconds keeps the ssh connection alive and tends
> to force the PPPoE connection to stay alive.  Crazy what we end up
> doing?!

Other than availability, I don't understand why anyone would go with a 
provider that provides only pppoe.  It's for their convenience you're 
getting substandard quality.

Speedfactory offers pppoe over iftl via BellSouth, only because that's 
all BellSouth will permit.  Regardless of your provider, you have to 
deal with the local monopoly, but by going with a different provider, 
you at least get some support.

Until later, Geoffrey                     Registered Linux User #108567
Building secure systems in spite of Microsoft

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