[ale] Dualing wireless APs

Keith Hopkins hne at hopnet.net
Sun Mar 14 21:06:25 EST 2004

Jim Popovitch wrote:
> I have a neighbor who has a wireless AP which is geographically further
> from me, when sitting in my living room, than my AP which resides in the
> bedroom. However, everytime I turn on my wireless interface.... i draw
> an IP from my neighbor.  If i toggle the interface eventually I get my
> own AP.   What can I do (other than chicken wire shielding) to only
> discover my AP?  
> Also, is there any Linux wireless config app that offers functionality
> similar to that in WinXP? 

I'm still a beginner in the wireless world myself, but I believe if you set the ESSID on your client to match that of your AP, it will only connect to that AP.  You should always change an AP's ESSID to something other than the default.

I don't use WinXP, so I don't know what functionality it offers, but RH and SuSE both offer some remedial config tools for wireless as part of the standard network configuration.  So YMMV depending upon your distro.  As far generic interfaces, there is iwconfig CLT.

Lost in Tokyo,

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