[ale] Free Zombie PC parts

Van Loggins vloggins at turbocorp.com
Thu Mar 11 07:33:27 EST 2004

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 15:45:11 -0500
From: Stephan Uphoff <ups at tree.com>
Subject: [ale] Free Zombie PC parts
To: ale at ale.org
Message-ID: <200403102045.PAA31840 at stups.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

2 x 300MHz PIIs
128M + 256M RAM (if I remember correctly) 
P6DLS Motherboard without magic smoke.

If someone is interested in the parts:
I live in Roswell and will try to make it to the ALE Barbecue
and the next AUUG meeting. 


I'm interested in these parts. I just got a barebones compaq proliant 800 system which needs the scsi drives, slot 1 processors and some memory.

I can't make it down there but I would gladly reimburse you for the shipping charges if you can ship it up to me.

let me know,



Van Loggins        vloggins at turbocorp.com
Assistant System Administrator - ESC Dept
Linux User #316727
Turbo Logistics

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