[ale] OT...Quick launch bar

Robert L. Harris Robert.L.Harris at rdlg.net
Tue Mar 9 14:49:46 EST 2004

Welcome to the list, always great to see someone new is trying to learn.

Right click on the start bar in a blank area.  Under one of the menus
(view?) you'll see an option for "Quick Launch".

Is that the one you're looking for?

Thus spake De Villiers, Mark (HWC) (MarkdV at Tsogosun.com):

> Hi guys...
> Im a linux newbie from South Africa & joined your list round the end of
> January 2004...i learn alot from u people
> and its greatly appreciated!!!Although u never hear from me...I have the
> greatest respect 4 u all & thats why im
> asking u people this SO FAR OFF TOPIC question...
> Does anyone know how to get the quick launch bar in Windows NT4.0?I've
> already upgraded IE 4 to IE 6...Looked 
> everywhere to no avail...any help would be greatly appreciated...
> And by the way...We got NT4.0 here at work...At home i've installed Mandrake
> 9.1 & now gearing myself up
> for Gentoo...$:-)
> Take care,
> Mark
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Robert L. Harris                     | GPG Key ID: E344DA3B
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