[ale] Indian outsourcing

Dylan Northrup docx at io.com
Thu Jan 29 15:18:49 EST 2004

A long time ago, (29.01.04), in a galaxy far, far away, Stephen Touset wrote:

:=And to respond yet again (because I'm way too quick to hit the send
:=On Thu, 2004-01-29 at 12:52, Cleon wrote:
:=> It's incredibly easy to justify or support people losing their jobs
:=> when you haven't lost yours.
:=Likewise, it's incredibly easy to decry the practice of outsourcing, and
:=exaggerate its downsides when you've lost your job to it.

I don't think being out of work, not being able to pay for clothes or food
for your child let alone save for their college, not being able to pay your
mortgage and wondering when you'll get tossed out on the street needs much
exaggeration.  Have you been to textile communities in the Mid-Atlantic that
were decimated when the Company left town?  How about manufacturing and
steel towns in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and the North East that are ghost
towns now?  Not much exaggeration necessary there either.

I've done the "sleep in the car because you can't afford an apartment" thing
when I was in college.  Now that I have a wife and son, that's not an
option.  You want to let companys send jobs and money out of the country, go
ahead.  I don't want that to happen and I'll do what I can to prevent it, up
to and including commenting on academic arguments by disintrested and
unaffected parties.

Dylan Northrup <*> docx at io.com <*> http://www.io.com/~docx/
"Harder to work, harder to strive, hard to be glad to be alive, but it's 
 really worth it if you give it a try." -- Cowboy Mouth, 'Easy'

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