[ale] Crashed LVM machine, any ideas

Nathan J. Underwood ale1 at cybertechcafe.net
Mon Aug 23 14:58:57 EDT 2004

Ok, so I have a machine that was running RH Linux 9 with LVM that 
crashed over the weekend.  Apparently, the power went out, the UPS ran 
out of juice, and wasn't set to shut down the Linux box.  Anyway, all it 
does now is POST, and then sit there with a cursor blinking in the top 
left corner.  I don't know what they called the volumes, and it looks 
like /boot was part of the lvm as well.  I'm on google right now 'lernin 
  bout lvm', but any helpful nudges in the right direction would be 
greatly appreciated.

registered linux user # 73046
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