[ale] Emergency speaker request [ was Ale Central meeting ]

Michael Mealling michael at neonym.net
Wed Aug 11 10:59:17 EDT 2004

I could give a talk on RFID and the EPC Network being developed using
Internet standards to make supply chain management more cost effective.
Yea, I work for VeriSign so you could ask me all kinds of VeriSign
questions but I doubt if I could answer most of them. ;-) I can also
talk about ENUM since that's a related topic....


On Wed, 2004-08-11 at 10:43, Michael D. Hirsch wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 August 2004 09:34 am, Sean Kilpatrick wrote:
> > Does anyone know the topic for tomorrow night's meeting?
> > It's not on the web page yet.
> That's because for the 3rd month in a row our speaker has flaked out on us.  
> It was supposed to be Novell talking about Linux, but the speaker suddenly 
> canceled.  I'm looking for an emergency replacement.
> Anyone care to volunteer?  Ideas:
>   * Favorite app or tool that is under-appreciated
>   * Cool distribution (other than RH, Fedora, Debian, SuSE, Slack, Mandrake)
>   * Intro to python/ruby/perl/other cool language
>   * setting up a blog, or other cool server thingamabob
> No topic too small.  If you only have 15 minutes to say, say it.  4 
> presentations of 15 mins each would be great.
> Sorry about this.  I've been trying, really.  Maybe I should stop reminding 
> speakers until the last minute.  I used to do that and it worked fine.  Now 
> that I've been giving warning, everyone has found a way out of it.
> Michael
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