[ale] "encrypting" code

ChangingLINKS.com groups at ChangingLINKS.com
Sun Sep 14 17:54:51 EDT 2003

Here's the senerio:
I have a program that runs in .php that will sit on Bill Gate's server.
If Bill can figure out how the program works, he will outlaw Linux.

What I want to do is munge the code (remove formatting, change variable names, 
change file names, maybe even wad the whole program into one file). I need to 
make the code cryptic enough that Bill Gates (with the help of $100K and good 
programmers) would not be able to duplicate the functionality of the code.

I have already taken steps to hide the program's output, and remove most of 
the GUI. Can someone recommend an excellent code munging program?
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown

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