[ale] [OT and sorry] - M$ patches and security advice?

Dow Hurst dhurst at kennesaw.edu
Thu Sep 11 18:02:57 EDT 2003

Maybe you should demo a Walmart PC running whatever Linux comes on it.

J.M. Taylor wrote:

>I don't actually use Windows, nor have I for...4 years now? (wow, it's
>like an AA meeting...)
>But I've been asked to give a security talk to our 62+ computer class
>(basically, how to use a computer for anyone over 62 years old) and of
>course they learn Windows.  So since there's lots of multi platform people
>on ALE -- where do you go to get Windows patches?  Is there anyplace
>*other* than the apparently overloaded microsoft site to obtain them?  Is
>it an automagic patchy thing where they <shudder> scan your machine over
>the web to determine what you need and then deliver it?
>Anybody have any Windows-specific advice to give me to pass on to these
>folks?  I need to keep it relatively simple, but I want to make sure they
>have resources they need.  My security talks don't focus on technology per
>se, but are more an overview of how to be paranoid.  But I do want to give
>them some Windows specific stuff that they can follow up on.
>Many thanks, and I apologize for asking MS questions here...I just am
>totally, utterly clueless when it comes to Windows.  Ignorance is bliss,
>as they say.
>Ale mailing list
>Ale at ale.org

Dow Hurst                  Office: 770-499-3428            *
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