[ale] multiple print quality settings

Bjorn Dittmer-Roche dittmeb at mail.rockefeller.edu
Wed Sep 10 16:11:10 EDT 2003

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Stephan Uphoff wrote:

> Bjorn Dittmer-Roche wrote:
> > I just spent like all day setting up my Epson Stylus C60 with my
> > FreeBSD box.
> ...
> > Is it safe to give them all seperate spool directories or will lpd try to
> > access multiple printers (even though they are all the same /dev) at the
> > same time?
> Should work since the second open will fail for the lp device.
> ( I believe this will also generate a log message in FreeBSD )
> The second printer daemon will retry opening the device with exponential
> backoff.
> ( 1 sec, 2 sec, 4 sec ....)

Hmmmm. I did that and when I printed a one page doc to each of two
"printers" I only got one copy. Tried it again and now I get:

saturn:/var/spool/lpd> cat lp/status
lp is ready and printing
saturn:/var/spool/lpd> cat lpm/status
lpm is ready and printing

meanwhile the printer is actually stuck with a page in it. Hmmmm.

/var/log/messeges give some stuff like this:
Sep  9 20:55:25 saturn lpd[27266]: restarting lpm
Sep  9 20:55:27 saturn last message repeated 3 times
Sep  9 20:55:28 saturn lpd[27266]: lpm: job could not be printed


> > Is there annother way?
> I think that cups can do what you want. (cups is in ports/print)

But I spent so long with lpd! Perhaps I'll wait until I rebuild that
machine (which I'm planning to do next week anyway) and do it right.

I'll let you know how that goes. Thanks a bunch!


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