[ale] possible web server

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Mon Oct 6 07:18:36 EDT 2003

Stephen Turner wrote:
> well lol ill agree it does sound very naive on his part however i
> dont know if i could do something on his hardware without telling him
> (guilty conscious)

First of all, if his solution was to replace all the hardware, he 
apparently has little knowledge as to what the OS is/does anyway.  You 
don't have to tell him you're specifically installing a different OS, I 
suspect he did that when he got the new hardware anyway?  He's going to 
rely on expertise he doesn't have, thus, all you really need to do is 
explain to him you're using a more robust OS for his services.

> lol however i would try to spare them the
> comparisons rants and such :-p. my use of 2k lately (purely
> educational and goof off lol) has renewed my faith that windoze is
> better than i was once making it out to be however as a secure server
> well, no need for explaining :-p LOL so .net and a couple goodies are
> outta my reach? are they worth while? i doubt if they already have a
> web server, i think thats why they are interested. ugg guess i need
> to learn php, seems to be popular.

The services you'll have problems accessing via Linux (asp, .net) are 
only going to reduce the security flaws you're implementing.  As I 
recall, there is some asp support built into some Apache modules, but 
I've never pursued it as it makes no sense to me with all the 
wonderful/better tools available to you.  There's also mono for the .net 
stuff, but again, I've not looked into it, because it makes no sense to 
me to use those services, which gain you nothing other than less security.

Until later, Geoffrey	esoteric at 3times25.net

Building secure systems inspite of Microsoft

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