[ale] Argh!!

Brian Stanaland brian at centsofstyle.com
Wed May 28 07:37:16 EDT 2003

I know what you mean.  I once hit ctrl-c when I meant to hit ctrl-d (and 
didn't check the prompt; always check your prompt) and rebooted the file 


James P. Kinney III wrote:

>I do like the tabbed shells on gnome-terminal. But I was a bit over the
>2 hour mark into populating a database from a series of text files that
>takes about 3.5 hours when I fat fingered the switch to another shell
>window. I _meant_ to hit <alt>-4 and hit <alt>-F4 and closed the whole
>#$(&^ window!!
>There are days when I truly despise computers. I've been arguing with
>this database for a while (150k+ items into Interchange linked with
>sql-ledger on PostgreSQL) and I think I'm going to go drink whiskey now
>and not look at for a day or so.

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