[ale] A UPS is giving me trouble.

Cory T. Echols ctechols at mindspring.com
Tue May 27 10:59:15 EDT 2003

I have a Tripp Lite UPS unit attached to my debian box.  On it is a
sticker with a very stern warning that connecting the serial cable from
the unit to the PC may cause damage unless the software is properly
installed.  How could the unit get damaged by this?

Also, this unit is giving me a bit of trouble.  The UPS will cut power
to the PC at random times when there's no perceivable power
interruption.  I'm trying to decide between a new unit and a battery
replacement.  Is there a reliable way to be sure the battery is the
problem?  The windows-based monitoring software wasn't helpful, and
there's no diagnostic info in the manual.


Cory T. Echols
ctechols at mindspring.com

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