[ale] video card recommendation?
Marvin Dickens
mpdickens at tlanta.com
Mon May 26 13:19:21 EDT 2003
On Mon, 2003-05-26 at 12:50, ChangingLINKS.com wrote:
> At that time Nvidia updated their drivers to ease
> > installation. They provide a self expanding shell script with a
> > curses menu wrapped around it. Works pretty well.
> >
> > - Ryan
> The new driver works just great for many people (according to some message
> boards I read).
> I installed of Suse 8.2 with kernel sources. I used the new driver file where
> you just type "sh Nvidia-etc". I read the manual. I was not in X. First of
> all, there was no precompiled file that it was looking for. Why?
> My problem *may* be related to the fact that I am running an AMD processor
> (which affects the kernel installed). Still, it compiled successfully, and
> installed the driver successfully. I got the splash screen. I can start
> Tuxracer and Racer - and the sound is okay. However, I get a black screen and
> a cursor in both programs.
I don't think so. I run a couple of AMD processors (Very happy them...)
in machines with Nvidia cards and I have never encountered this issue.
Regarding cards that are going to play nice right out of the box, I
don't it your going to find one unless you go with a systems integration
house that builds a custom PC around a specific Linux distro (One they
probably hacked on to make sure the installation routine(s) correctly
configure the cards and peripherals that *they* put into the machines
they sell). I suspect this because the graphics card companies are in
such fierce competition with each other that they view open sourcing
their drivers as a move that will give away either trade secrets or
company secrets directly related to competition (Right or wrong, this is
their position). So, your stuck with their closed source drivers. I
suppose you could find out which distro (And revision) they developed
the driver on and you would be ensured a pretty good chance of it
working out of the box, but outside of this, your going to have tweak
If you dealing with multiple machines I suggest that you use the same
components across all machines so once you figure it out, installation
works the same on every machine. This is why companies like dell do well
in systems integration. Also, IMHO, this is not a "Linux" only problem.
I've also seen this same scenario in Windows (And with software apps in
AIX and Solaris).
M. Dickens
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