[ale] New user from Marietta

Bruce Griffis griffisb at bellsouth.net
Mon May 19 22:29:08 EDT 2003

On Monday 19 May 2003 03:46 pm, Dow Hurst wrote:
> Bruce,
> If you decided to fork over the cash the new VMware version 4.0 is
> supposed to have better support for sound and games.  I've got the
> package via a free upgrade but haven't had a chance to test it.  I'll
> post when I get a chance to do some testing.
> Dow
Nah - I'll pass on VMWare. I'm just messing around for home use - desktop and 
some light games. I was doing Wine from CVS, and just added some Mandrake 
bugfixes another Mandrake user forwarded. Did my first RPMS yesterday. Kind 
of like making RPMs for my specific hardware/software set - although it might 
get old real fast.

Still not sure if I really want to go in that direction, though. I could 
always leave the Win apps on the Windows partition on my desktop (going 
dualboot) - and keep my Linux partitions pure Linux / Open Source. That seems 
like the best solution in terms of limiting headaches.
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