[ale] OT: building a WAP with linux...

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun May 4 09:18:52 EDT 2003

Synco Gibraldter wrote:
> i use a linux machine as my wireless router -- i have had and used a few
> different kinds of the pre-built 'applicances' and they're really all
> crap.  linux is definitely the way you'll want to go.  and seeing as how
> WEP is a joke, be sure to get ipsec up soon.

I agree with your solution.  There was a good article on using an old 
laptop for a wap with linux in LJ a while back.  Bottom line is, you've 
got the control over the whole system, thus you're able to secure it 
much better.

I've not done this, but am planning on implementing such a solution in 
the near future.  When I do, maybe I can put together a presentation for 
the ALE.

> sg
> On Sat, 3 May 2003, John Wells wrote:
>>I am considering going with a PCI wireless card in my linux-based
>>firewall/router and a wireless pc card in my laptop...using the router as
>>a WAP.  Has anyone else done this?  Are there any drawbacks (as opposed to
>>buying a prebuilt WAP)?
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

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