[ale] SAGE-ATL?
Dylan Northrup
docx at io.com
Mon Mar 10 16:12:19 EST 2003
A long time ago, (10.03.03), in a galaxy far, far away, Danny Cox wrote:
:=On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 11:31, Fulton Green wrote:
:=> SAGE is a special technical group of USENIX.
:= I met with the Atlanta SAGE once, awhile ago, like about 4-5 years or
:=so. We met downtown, in a lawyer's conference room. There was just a
:=handful of people, as I remember. There was me, Chris Farris, the
:=lawyer (sorry, forget his name), and perhaps 3 or 4 more folks. Their
:=names also escape me, although one of 'em may have been Robbie Honerkamp
:=(sp?). Chris? Any meeting since then?
Before planning my move back to Atlanta I looked to see if there were any
active SAGE affiliated groups down there. To my dismay, none were listed on
the Usenix web page. Having participated in active SAGE groups in DC and
San Jose, I was unhappy to realise that Atlanta didn't have a similar group.
Fortunately someone from the DC-SAGE group mentioned ALE as a good
replacement. I'd seen it before, but since I am not a "Linux Enthusiast" I
shied away from subscribing at first (didn't know if my FreeBSD and Solaris
heresy would be tolerated :-). A SAGE group is generally vendor/UNIX
variant agnostic.
I'd have a hard time believing I'm the only one who would expect a "Linux
Enthusiast" e-mail list to not be a "generic UNIX" e-mail list. In the
interests of being inclusive, I think a SAGE group/list being set up is a
great idea.
Dylan Northrup <*> docx at io.com <*> http://www.io.com/~docx/
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