[ale] Kernel Panic: No init found. Try passing init= to kernel. ? ? ? ? ?

Courtney Thomas ccthomas at flash.net
Sun Mar 9 21:11:07 EST 2003

Greetings !

I am getting this message at attempted bootup under RedHat6.1 
[2.2.12-20], even though init is in /lib.

Must both shared objects be present for init to run at all ?

I have /bin/sh -> /bin/ash.

What could be the problem ?

Thank you.

In response to an article in The Economist entitled Marx After Communism 
dated 12/21/02,

".....we have a president purchased by corporations in a sham election 
who has put those corporations in charge of their own regulation. A 
string of corporate scandals has exposed the myth of shareholder 

Mark Spohr	Tahoe City, Ca. [1/18/03]

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